
  1. Steve, Cody, Nicky and Jonny

    Mom, we will miss you so very much. You were a great mom, grandmom and you were my hero. I love you mom, and I cannot tell you how much I hurt and will miss you. I know you fought hard, cause you wanted to see the baby in January, but God Brought you home. I hope you can see the baby before he arrives here on this world. I am glad I was close to you and would talk to you almost every day, your voice made me happy. I love you mom.
    Steve, Cody, Nicky and Jonny

  2. Eileen Farrell

    I’m painfully missing my best friend and sister.My world is empty without her.what I wouldn’t give to have her back but unfortunatly it doesn’t work that way.a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of you
    And the crying begins I love you eternitlly.Please send me some of your strength and inspiration, My heart has broken.You were the only person that cared enough to help me thru difficult times..What will I do without you?

  3. chuck

    my sister Pat, or as we called her, ‘Patsy’ may not have appeared to be a physically strong person, but I can assure you, after hearing and knowing of the medical difficulties and plights she had endured, I would put her up against the strongest man I know and I know she would prevail. She never complained about her difficulties and in fact, kept a lot hidden from view so as to not worry those around her that loved and cared for her….I am haunted by the telephone conversation I had with her just a few short weeks before this sad event. I said to her ‘Pat, you have to take care of yourself and do what the doctors say to do….Mom died at 69, Grandmom died at 69 and you are in your late sixties….’ her response haunts me till this day ‘Chucky, I have plenty of years left, don`t worry so much…’ she died a little over 2 weeks later…and she was 68 1/2…..I miss my big sister, who would spend her babysitting money buying her baby brother something instead of treating herself…but that was just the way she was….and the way I will always remember her….I love you Patsy and someday I will see you again….
    Your baby brother,

  4. Betty Whalen

    Pat your friendship was a blessing to me. I could always count on you for a listening ear. I lost a good friend when I lost you because a friend like you is proof that when God blesses us, He doesn’t go halfway. Save me a seat up there Pat. Love You.

    Your Friend,

  5. Craig Basciano

    I’m sorry I’m so late to leave a comment, I’m so sorry mom what you had to go threw, I would trade places in a second, I don’t know anyone in this world that has a heart as sweet and strong as you. You helped me more then I could ever thank you for. There is not a day that goes by I don’t cry and miss you. You still are my world and my everything. I just want to make you happy and do the right things you taught me, You are in heaven with God and all your friends and all our pets and watching down on us, You will never be in pain again, just happiness and I will be with you again one day, I love you mom and thanks for being the best mom ever in the world for 35 years of my life, I love you and miss you so much mom.

  6. Liz Gutierrez

    The pain of losing someone so dear to us can never be described fully but I know how much it hurts. I truly believe that one day we will all be reunited again. I was blessed to meet Patricia before her passing and she showed my daughter and I nothing but kindness. It’s rare to meet such a loving soul like hers. I know God made a special place for her in heaven. She is watching every one of us with a smile on her face and so very proud.

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